Pass me the Lavender….

Sometimes I just want to smell the relaxing scent of Lavender throughout my home. Combined with Geranium and Clary Sage I feel wrapped in a cosy blanket of loveliness! It balances and calms me and creates a space where I, and all around me, feel a bit loved. This is a perfect blend for when I am in Demeter, my Earth mother phase (around ovulation).

Whereas earlier in my cycle, when I am in Daphne, I want the vibrant and energetic oils to boost my focus, keep me motivated and uplifted. I love to use essentials oils like Lemon, Bergamot, Rosemary and Basil. Daphne is in pre-ovulation around days 6 to 12 of your cycle.

Before menstruation, when I am in Persephone I know I can be a little touchy. I can be irritable and rash, but passionate and creative. So I like to burn essential oils that support me at this time. Essential oils like Jasmine, Patchouli, Ylang Ylang and Sweet Orange are some favourites around this time.

And when I am in Hecate (day one of a new cycle), and want the world to slow down I reach for Atlas Cedarwood, Australian Sandalwood, Frankincense and Lavender.

Using essential oils can create a mood, whether in your home or workplace, that helps you through emotions and feelings you are experiencing. You can use them in an oil burner or in a blend with some almond oil on your body. The scents can help you to identify and enhance the Emgoddess phase you are in.

For more information about essential oils and Emgoddess go to or contact me at