How I use my cycle to help with difficult days.

How I use my cycle to help with difficult days.

Not every day goes as planned. Recently I put a great deal of effort into a proposal for my work. In my eyes, it really fit with the organisational strategy, and I was really pleased with it. 24 hours before the proposal needed to be submitted, I was informed that the...
The power of “I am” statements

The power of “I am” statements

Each morning I have a list of ‘I am’ that I read. Originally, I had them up on my mirror and now I have them in the front of my diary – which I read every day and night. My I Am statement leads me to different decisions, made with different energy, creating different...
Impact of the Menstrual Cycle on Communication

Impact of the Menstrual Cycle on Communication

Impact of the Menstrual Cycle on Communication  Purpose:  The purpose of the study was to create a pilot study to research the implications, if any, of the menstrual cycle on female communicator style. The studies done to date indicate physiological changes that are...
I felt like a “Runaway Train”

I felt like a “Runaway Train”

I had a wonderful week with clients this week, showing people how to live and work WITH the power of their cycle. One client however described her Persephone phase as a ‘runaway train’. I thought this was such a good description of how this phase can really get away...