Emgoddess is a form of mindfulness. You are taking time to sit and think about how you feel physically and emotionally. Is your body sore, tender or powerful and flexible? Are you happy, full of energy, calm and centered, passionate and powerful, or inward and reflective?

It is a few minutes to sit and listen to your body, then the act of colouring in your chart secures the process. What colours are you drawn to today? Do you even want to chart today? How much do you want to write or do you want to leave it completely blank?

Just being aware of these different feelings and emotions all add to the process of mindfulness.

Mindfulness is considered a key element to fighting stress. An entire stress reduction program, with decades of experience and tens of thousands of practitioners, is an excellent indication that mindfulness works.

There have been numerous studies backing up the idea that mindfulness reduces stress. One study  on present-moment awareness found that it facilitates an adaptive response to daily stressors.  Another study  found evidence  that mindfulness produced less avoidance and more approach coping as a response to stress than relaxation or self-affirmation controls.

Mindfulness can also help alleviate stress by improving emotion regulation, leading to a better mood and better ability to handle stress. In a world of daily stress, anxieties and expectation, the human mind can often come under a lot of pressure which directly affects our mood, making us less positive and somewhat disconnected from ourselves.

Meditation has a profound, rich and calming effect on the body and is said to clear our minds and advocate feelings of peace and a sense of awareness. It is a chance to tap into an abundance of creative energy that is said to give a more meaningful experience of life that will enrich us permanently.

Mindfulness can also help alleviate stress by improving emotion regulation, leading to a better mood and better ability to handle stress.

For me, charting is a form of mindfulness. I take my pencils and pens out with my charting calendar and find a quite place to sit for moment. I close my eyes, take a deep breath and ask myself “how do I feel, emotionally and physically”. I wait a moment to open my eyes and then I pick up my pens and pencils and write and draw and colour. I use essential oils sometime to enhance the process by using a few drops of one of the Emgoddess essential oils into a diffuser.


Lots of books suggest journaling your emotions. The Emgoddess approach of charting takes this concept much further to gain a true sense of all you are, highlighting the connection between your menstrual cycle and your emotions.

What is involved in charting?

Each month we experience highs and lows, joy and sadness, vitality and lethargy. Charting involves recording your moods, emotions, energy levels, dreams, clothing, makeup, sensitivities, food preferences, friends you gravitate to, general health and attitudes on a day to day basis in a pie chart, using words, pictures and colours. The chart provides insights into your cycle and allows you to better plan your month.

Through this process, you learn to read your body in a new respectful way: you know when you are best able to take on new projects and when your body needs rest. Purchase your Emgoddess calendar and start your charting journey today.