Using aromatherapy for menstrual troubles.

Using aromatherapy for menstrual troubles.

Many of us experience different feelings throughout our period, this is due to the biochemical changes happening in our body throughout the month. There are times of the month we have increased levels of energy and enthusiasm; our skin feels bright and clear. However,...
Red Lipstick vs Nude Lipgloss

Red Lipstick vs Nude Lipgloss

Like me, I am sure you have had this experience…. You pop on an outfit, it fits like a glove…. your makeup is perfect, the lipstick can’t be a brighter shade of red! Your hair and skin feel amazing! You walk out and hit the town and feel a trillion dollars. Wow…. what...
Why the Bad Wrap?

Why the Bad Wrap?

So the phase that has the bad reputation is the pre-menstrual phase around day 17 to day 28 of your cycle. And sure this phase has it’s challenges, but this is a phase with the great ability to methodically get through tasks, kick on with projects you started earlier...
Understand why you feel amazing in Demeter!

Understand why you feel amazing in Demeter!

When you understand the story of the Greek Goddess Demeter, you start to understand the energy and influences you experience in this phase. This phase surrounds your ovulation. Demeter was the goddess of agriculture, grain, harvest and of fertility. The Earth Mother,...
Understanding the Daphne Phase

Understanding the Daphne Phase

Understanding the story about Daphne the Greek Goddess can give you an idea of the energy this phase shows for you in your cycle. Daphne was a young, beautiful nymph. She was a huntress and delighted in woodland sports and the spoils of the chase. Many lovers sought...
Why can we manage sometimes and others not so much?

Why can we manage sometimes and others not so much?

Why is it that sometimes you can manage with ease all the things that the world throws at you, embracing challenges with open arms while at other times, you either want to run away and hide, or fall into an emotional heap? It is not because you are weak, crazy or...