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Latest research and updates from Emgoddess.

Cycles of Shame

The role of menstrual attitudes and body shame in sexual decision-making Menstruation is a natural process, yet it continues to be commonly considered an aspect of biology that should not be seen; a topic that should not be discussed. Historically, menstruation has...

Female Sexual Arousal and the Menstrual Cycle

Fluctuations in hormone levels during the menstrual cycle are linked to our mood. We are more likely to feel sexy, lustful, passionate, or affectionate at certain times of our cycle, and these feelings can be considered to represent sexual arousal. Progestogen...

Looking for Love?

Because of the role some of our hormones play in female libido, the menstrual cycle demonstrates a clear pattern in fluctuating libido for most women. This obviously impacts our attitudes and desires around finding a suitable partner. Depending on where you are in...

Are You The Unicorn Leader?

I recently read an article in Forbes magazine (2018) where it listed the 8 characteristics of a great leader. They listed: Empowerment Great Communication Skills Sincere Enthusiasm Integrity Charisma Managerial Competence Loyalty Decisiveness I know MANY female...

What to do with Painful Periods – Dysmenorrhoea

Dysmenorrhea symptoms can be caused by the pressure of the uterine muscle contracting on nearby blood vessels. This pain can vary from light to severe and usually lasts 24-72 hours. However, it is not normal to suffer from debilitating menstrual cramps that stop you...

The Story of Daphne

Daphne was a young, beautiful nymph. She was a huntress and delighted in woodland sports and the spoils of the chase. Many lovers sought her, but she spurned them all and asked her father if she could always remain unmarried. When Apollo saw Daphne he saw her eyes...

The Empowerment Cycle and Mindfulness

Emgoddess is a form of mindfulness. You are taking time to sit and think about how you feel physically and emotionally. Is your body sore, tender or powerful and flexible? Are you happy, full of energy, calm and centered, passionate and powerful, or inward and...

Self-Esteem and the Empowerment Cycle

Our self-esteem is impacted by so many external influences – what we see on social media, negative comments from peers, society’s extreme beauty standards and the relationships we have with our friends, parents, siblings and teachers. However, researchers are starting...

Breast Tenderness, Our Cycle and Aromatherapy

One of the more common (and often annoying) PMS symptoms is breast tenderness or breast pain. This sore and dull ache can begin around two weeks before your period and can be a cause for daily discomfort and unease. Types of breast pain Cyclical breast tenderness and...

Aromatherapy and PMS

Many of us experience some form of PMS, for some of us it may be slight, others not so much. It's important to first understand what PMS actually is. An article on Flo gave a very good detailed description of PMS. Also knows as PMT (although PMT generally refers to...


This week I reached 6 months alcohol free, and it’s perfect that it falls on International Women’s Day, as I truly have my menstrual cycle to thank for my success! You see I didn’t use AA, counselling, regular blogging or medication (all excellent support tools that I...

Using Colour in Your Charting

We’ve all seen (and possibly use) the mindfulness colouring books, and heard about the benefits like: Your brain resembles that of a meditative state Stress and anxiety levels can be lowered Negative thoughts decrease Unplugging from technology increases creativity...

Embracing Your Many Sides of Leadership

In Sheryl Sandberg’s book Lean In, she talks about the difference leadership pressures between men and women in the workplace. My take on it? She is explaining how when a man is assertive they are seen as powerful, strong leaders that have a ‘take no prisoner’...

What happens when you don’t have a period?

Amenorrhea is the lack of menstruation for three cycles or more, or when a young woman doesn’t get her first period before turning 15 years old. Amenorrhea can be caused by disease of the ovaries, anorexia, physical or emotional shock, stress and emotional upsets,...

How to Learn to Love Yourself

With Valentine's Day tomorrow I thought I would encourage us all to love the most important person in your life.....YOU! It is a day which can make people feel very loved and adored, or even better, you LOVE your own company and don't need attention from external...

The Yin and Yang of our cycle

If you take a Chinese medicine approach to life everything is divided into Yin and Yang. I really like this concept when look at the menstrual cycle. First this is a short summary of what Yin and Yang is… The best way to look at Yin, Yang and their interplay is to...

Tapping into the best you during menstruation.

In earlier blog posts we discussed three of the four phases of our cycle and how you can use this information to get the best out of your days (for previous blogs go to www.emgoddess.com.au ) The final phase surrounds menstruation. This phase commencing one or two...