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Latest research and updates from Emgoddess.

What a Shame.

Menstruation is a natural process, yet it continues to be commonly considered an aspect of biology that should not be seen; a topic that should not be discussed. Historically, menstruation has been seen as something that is dirty or disgusting, and many women feel...

The best oils for meditation and mindfulness

I love to use aromatherapy to enhance my meditation and mindfulness practice. Essential oils can help you to calm down, relax or create a atmosphere of space. Here are my top oils for supporting your practice: Frankincense - one of the most sacred essential oils,...

How to deal with Breast Pain in your Cycle

Throughout our menstrual cycle we have several different changes in our body and sore boobs is one! Breast tenderness or pain is a common PMS symptom.  Most commonly it is the feeling of a sore or dull ache around two weeks before your period and can be tender for a...

Tapping into Energy throughout your Cycle

Ever wonder why you wake up brimming with energy one day, but then on other days can’t shake off a brain fog no matter how many cups of caffeine you chug? Our menstrual cycle impacts so much of our lives. It can impact how we feel about ourselves, and others. It...

Nothing to wear in your cupboard?

So you have a cupboard FULL of clothing, yet some days you can stand in front of it and SWEAR you have NOTHING to wear! We all know the moments. One day we can pop on an outfit, stand in front of the mirror and feel smokin’ hot! We go out and work every room we are...

How to Make Your Own Emgoddess Perfume Oil

A number of people ask can they wear the oils directly on their skin as a perfume. Pure essential oils react differently for people, some people may have skin sensitivities and certain oils can react for them. Personally, as an aromatherapist I prefer to dilute my...

How to understand alcohol and your menstrual cycle

Although women are less likely to suffer from alcoholism, and consume less alcohol in general, the gap between men and women has decreased in the past few years. Young women in particular are far more likely to have indulged in binge drinking during their lifetime...

Charting to Overcome Addiction

Addiction to drugs or alcohol Recent figures show that 35 million people worldwide suffer from drug-use disorders, and only 1 in 7 receive treatment. Apart from the risk of death from an overdose, drug abuse has a significant effect on physical and mental health in...

4 ways to get through your premenstrual phase unscathed

Persephone surrounds the premenstrual phase of our cycle. This phase brings great creativity and passion to us to tap into. Using these qualities to get through work projects, or love projects can bring great results. However, it can also leave us feeling somewhat...

Does the Menstrual Cycle effect Muscle Strength?

It’s no secret that medical professionals recommend regular exercise to help with menstrual cramps, and weight training is becoming increasingly popular among women as an effective method to control weight and strengthen bones. While some women feel energised during...

How to use charting to overcome addiction

Many of my followers know that I had some issues around my alcohol consumption, and I wanted to change. Over the years I had attempted to give up alcohol, but always went back to drinking after some time off. I found a research study[i]  that showed ovulation...

Why Boys SHOULD Be Jealous of Our Cycle.

I am constantly sharing how if we just embraced our cycle and looked at the good parts of each phase, it would be something that men would actually envy! Imagine having a tool that told you when you had the best chance of getting results, when you have the most...

How I work with my own Mental Health Experience

With today being World Mental Health Day I wanted to share my experience with a lived experience and how learning more about my body helped me to step out of this space and into one where I feel pretty damn good about myself. (most days😊). I quite like who I am. I...

Why you should use Lavender to Treat PMS

A lot of women experience changes in mood and physical discomfort in the days before menstruation, and this can negatively affect family, friends, and working relationships. These premenstrual symptoms (PMS) vary in severity, and typically include irritability, anger,...

Creative Thinking and the Menstrual Cycle

Knowing that different types of creativity are enhanced at particular phases of the cycle, or that menopause or hormone replacement therapy could affect them, is of great value to women; it provides a better understanding of when we might be better at reading maps,...

Your cycle and your skin care

Have you ever changed your skin care regime to suit what day you are in your cycle? WHAT THE…you say! You may be surprised to hear that you can actually get better results with your skin if you do. Throughout your menstrual cycle your skin is impacted by the...

Is Education the Key to Overcoming Menstrual Shame?

Negative assumptions and misconceptions about menstruation persist in todays culture. Myths and taboos about the menstrual cycle are likely causes of the shame that many women feel about this natural process. Adverts encouraging women to purchase products to avoid or...